early bird mug cake


Hello again, lovely people of the world! Now that we are all here, let me begin this little entry with a question.

Do you ever have those mornings where it is just slow going? You roll out of bed & no sooner you’re up and moving than you wish you were safely swathed in the downy comfort of a plush, over sized bed spread.

Oh my friend, I know the feeling. In fact, as I write this I am cocooned in my own little nest of blankets and pillows. This little moment of solitude is a much-welcome, much-needed little gift that I have given myself to just… let. it. go. Let it all go. The regrets of yesterday, the pressures of today, the uncertainties of tomorrow. Whatever it is, this is a moment to just feel safe.

We all deserve – we all owe it to ourselves, really – to set aside some time here and there in our hectic lives for some good ole self-lovin’. And what better time of day to take a moment to set the intention to be good to yoself – to be kind, to be mindful – than in the morning with a little treat. A little nutrient-packed, good-for-your-body, good-for-your-soul, delicious little treat!


But let’s be realistic, you’ve got people to see, things to do – you’ve got to get out that door! So what better way to nourish your body than a quick and easy mug cake? This guy is so easy, breezy and beautiful – you can have your cake and eat it too, all before the rooster crows.

Now, I’m obviously a happy camper, but don’t just take my word for it – try it! The recipe requires only 8 non-dairy, non-gluten ingredients and cooks in a jiffy. See for yourself below.

Early Bird Mug Cake

1 Tablespoon Coconut Flour
1 Tablespoon Almond Butter (peanut butter would work as well)
1 Tablespoon Non-Dairy Milk (I prefer vanilla cashew milk)
1 Teaspoon Honey
1 Teaspoon Ground Flaxseed
1 Teaspoon Chia Seeds
1 Teaspoon Toasted Walnuts
1 Teaspoon Pumpkin Seeds

Simply combine all ingredients in a small mug, mix thoroughly & microwave on high for one minute.

That’s it! Couldn’t be easier. I tend to enjoy my mug cakes a little less moist and a bit more crumbly. If this is not to your liking, I suggest adding an additional dash of Cashew Milk. The great thing about this recipe is how versatile it is. Feel free to add your own favorite nuts, fruits or spices to the mix, substitute maple syrup for honey, switch up your non-dairy milks… add a few nibs of dark chocolate.

I hope that you enjoy this mug cake as much as I do! I hope that it brings you some comfort and wholesome nourishment as you get ready to the face the day – or even as you wind down from a hectic day.

Whatever the case, this mug cake got your back.